Master Accredited (AMB) Designation

“We are a small third generation family owned company located in the Lake Norman area and have been awarded the North Carolina Master Accredited Builder designation. Master Accredited Builder graduates complete an intensive series of seventy-two hours of coursework, during which they learn about the newest trends and technology in the building industry. Our company offers clients a design/build program and is focused on value engineering and cost control. You can be assured that G.P. Kon only uses qualified and licensed tradesmen to ensure your satisfaction. We also have the capability of designing a home for you using the most up to date technology the market offers. A Professional Engineer seals all of our structural drawings.

G.P. Kon Custom Builders is also a certified Energy Star Builder. Our Energy Star homes use renewable resources, such as prefabricated wood I-joists from smaller faster growing trees and conventional lumber waste, which protects hardwood forests.  Crushed asphalt is the base for our Energy Star home driveways.  Among other many features, our homes use a spray foam insulation to provide a tighter barrier than traditional insulation, reduce energy costs and protect residents against mold and other allergens.  Special windows reflect radiant heat in summer and retain interior heat in winter, thus saving on heating and cooling costs.  Water-conserving plumbing fixtures and Energy Star appliances will reduce utility bills.


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